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Silver Nautilus July 2021
This scroll was given to Juan de Zargos by Eckehard and Jane, King and Queen of Atlantia, to honor his entry into the Order of the Silver Nautilus on the 14th day of August, A.S. LVI at the Queen’s Rapier Tourney.
This scroll was calligraphed on pergamenata with iron oak gall ink, using a Speedball C-4 nib. The illumination was done with a combination of pre-prepared gouache paints and gouache prepared from pigments, gum arabic, whiting chalk and clove oil. The gold is pre-prepared watercolor.

Philip II. Sentencia y carta ejecutoria de hidagualía apedimentio da Alonso da Alonso de Angulo, vecino de la villa de Atencia : manuscript, 1577.
In the Houghton Library, Harvard University: MS Type 515

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