Baroness Cynthia Anne of Silver Lakes, OL

Cynthia was born in England to a French mother and English father. She has spent time in both countries, but currently resides in England under the reign of Henry VIII, where she practices her lute, singing, needlework, dancing, and painting.

Dame Cynthia Anne of Silver Lakes has been active in the SCA (on and off) since AS XXI. She began in the West, in the Barony of Darkwood (...before it was actually a Barony!), and then stepped back from the SCA to go to college, get married to Dunstan Stonehill, and have children, all in the Kingdom of the Middle. After obtaining her degree, she settled in Artemisia, in the Barony of Arn Hold, for about 15 years, to raise those three children, and teach public school. During this time, she was still involved in the SCA, but somewhat sparsely. When the children were grown, she moved to the Kingdom of Atlantia, furthered her education, and jumped back into the classroom. She and Dunstan are currently the Baron and Baroness of Stierbach.
Cynthia Anne Sutton
Cynthia Sutton teaches middle school choir and guitar, and has a wide variety of interests. She holds a master's degree in Musicology from Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins, as well as a B.A. in Music Education from Berea College in Berea, Kentucky. She has three children, two grandchildren, one husband, and two dogs, and cannot say precisely how many books or instruments are in her house.