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Please scroll down to find the name of your instrument,

and click on the button below to open and download the PDF for your Rounds.




C Instruments (Treble Clef):
   Strings: Violin, Ukulele, Guitar, Mandolin
  Winds: Flute, Soprano Recorder, Alto Recorder, Tenor Recorder, Oboe

Bb Instruments:
 Winds: Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone, Trumpet, Baritone (T.C.)

Eb Instruments:
 Winds: Alto Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone

F Instruments:
 Winds: French Horn

C Clef Instruments:
Strings: Viola

Bass Clef Instruments:
Strings: Cello, Bass
Winds: Bass Recorder, Bassoon, Trombone, Baritone (B.C.), Tuba



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