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Oak gall ink and rastrum nibs
Drawing guides for staves
Template guide for staves and decorative initials
Practice page
Drawing staves on the folios
Drawing the staves
Leaving room for decorated initials
Using oak gall ink to draw staves
Using the rastrum nib to draw staves
drawing staves on one page at a time
Following guidelines to draw staves
Pages ready for illumination
Quaternions calligraphed and numbered
Table of contents ready for illumination
Pigment box
Another piece of wood work made for me by my husband!
Egg Vair 1.jpeg
Making egg vair
Whiting chalk to make pigment into gouache
Egg vair setting
Grinding malachite and adding chalk
Grinding ultramarine with chalk
Mixed Gouache
Paint testing: egg vair compared with gum arabic
Table of contents with illumination
Pages I and II of Music Book with illumination
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