Pelican Scroll for Sara van Eerde
Awarded Holiday Faire AS LVII
Mistress Sara has a Japanese persona, from the Momoyama era (c. 1573 - 1615). As I have no background in either Japanese language or art, other than as a casual admirer, I set about looking for art styles that I could do, and came across the gorgeous byobu, or wind screens, and decided to try my hand at that. As I was describing what I wanted to do, my wonderful husband Don (Lord Dunstan Stonehill) offered to use his woodworking skills to make the wooden frame. I found a poem by a sixteenth-century Japanese woman, and altered the text a bit to fit a Pelican scroll. After using an online engine to translate the words into kanji, katakana and hiragana, I sent the translation to my daughter Katt, who corrected some of the words, and also wrote out all of the names in katakana.